Membership has its privileges…
“Other area memberships refer to a family membership, we refer to our members…as family.”
Bethany Club Tennis Member Benefits
Benefits are for Seasonal and Weekly members. All membership plans include unlimited play and no court fees.
No Court Fees
Advanced Booking
Unlimited Court Play
Complimentary Tennis Balls for Play
Discounts in the Pro Shop
Complimentary Guest Passes
Racquet and Stringing Specials
Private Lesson Discount Rate of $90
Advanced Notice of Pro Shop Specials
Complimentary Social Events
Fine Dining/Mixed Doubles with Chef Bruce Kingston
Member Referral Benefits
To schedule a lesson, clinic or reserve a court, please call 302-539-5111.
Bethany Club Tennis schedules all clinics and lessons on an individual basis. This allows us to better accommodate individual members and guests by updating our sessions daily during the peak season.